At Gunning Design Co. we provide our clients with a complete design and documentation service, aiming to take the stress away and allowing you to enjoy the process.

We take the project from initial design discussions right through to approvals and handle everything in between.

We pride ourselves on good communication, creative design solutions and efficient use of space. Resulting in quality, livable spaces taking full advantage of the site and surrounds.

Concept Design

It all begins with the client brief or idea. We sit down with you and discuss your wants and needs for your project, refine your brief and put your ideas onto paper.

As part of this stage you will receive floor plans, Elevations and 3D representations of the project to aid in visualising the concept and bringing your dreams to life.

Approvals Documentation

There are generally two ways to achieve your approvals, and we will advise you on the pathway that works best for your project.

In some cases a complying development certificate (CDC) may be achievable and will allow you to bypass council and streamline the process. In all other cases a development application (DA) through council for approval in principal, followed by a construction certificate (CC) through council or a private certifier will allow you to commence building with your selected builder.

In any case we will tailor our design and documentation to either pathway and liaise with and coordinate any required consultants documentation throughout the process.

Authority Approval

We will assist in selecting your Principal Certifying Authority (PCA) collating all the relevant documentation and lodging through the NSW Planning Portal. This is where all approvals ( DA’s, CC’s and CDC’s) in NSW are lodged and we will take the time and hassle away utilising our registered account.